
Hi there and welcome!  My name is Vinay Ghanekar.

I’m a Chartered Accountant by training and have a day job that I love.

When I’m not at work, my passion is to explore the human mind and how it works. The human potential fascinates me. And this passion has led me towards reading books. Reading lots of books. Over time, I’ve developed an interest on reading about diverse topics such as philosophy, psychology, motivation, habits, productivity, spirituality, etc. I also love to read biographies of famous personalities. The more I read, the more my perspective widens.

I firmly believe that we are nothing without a healthy body. Our minds can go to work only when they rest in a healthy body. If our body gets broken, our mind cannot function at its optimum. Thus, most mornings I try to take care of my body. On some days, I get a workout or do some Yoga. On other days I run and stretch or hike. If I don’t feel like doing either of that, I may just try to sit silent to only focus on my breath.

There are of course days when I get up late and am not able to achieve any of the morning routine plan that I’d like to get done. But I know that there will be a tomorrow, so I focus on getting back to trying it all over, one morning at a time.

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I am husband to a loving wife, who is a busy professional herself. Together we are learning to raise an extremely energetic six-year-old son.

I must say that each day is a challenge and a gift which we have. Eventually, it is up to us how we live the day.

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My goal is to present content to you which includes valuable lessons I learn as I work to improve my life, one day at a time. I will also try to cover the nuggets of wisdom I gather from what I read and experience to help you, my readers, to also live a life of purpose.

All feedback is welcome. You can reach me at ca.vinay.ghanekar@gmail.com